July 26, 2023

One of the most underrated practices in modern man’s life is meditation. Meditation has been given several definitions over the years in philosophical, spiritual, religious and sometimes even in the most practical spheres. While many dive deep into the art of meditation and the ways to do it, all that one needs to understand is that meditation can be attributed to any activity done with focus and mindfulness to train attentiveness or awareness of one’s thoughts and emotions.

Why should you meditate in the morning?

Empirical evidence over the years has suggested that any mindful activity done first thing in the morning can have a positive impact over the day. The concept of meditation prepares a person towards having a focused and aware mind. This will have a positive carryover towards the upcoming activities during the day.

What meditation technique can you do in the morning?

The concept of meditation has been interpreted in several different ways by people. Some unconventional interpretations of meditation include reading, writing, exercising and so on! Some people claim that cleaning can be meditative. Look for activities in your life that demand your utmost focus and are also enjoyable by you; such activity itself becomes meditative, thus accomplishing two goals – doing a productive activity in the morning that also sets your mind up for the rest of the day.

Benefits of meditating in the morning:

  • One can begin their day with the utmost focus and attentiveness.
  • This focus and attentiveness, that is the ultimate aim of meditation have a positive carryover to other activities lined up during the day.
  • Each day begins with positive reinforcement in the means of mindful conditioning.
  • A person can get one of their most productive activities done first thing in the morning by also adding a meditative element to it.
  • One can counteract expected stressors in their day by mentally preparing their mind for the same.
  • Early morning meditation can boost overall well-being as it also sets a certain sleep-wake cycle in your body when you condition yourself to get up early to focus and gain attentiveness.
  • Meditating can de-clutter your thoughts first thing in the morning and get you started fresh on the new day ahead.
  • People have claimed to have had a better eating pattern throughout the day when they are in control of their thoughts and emotions. It discourages ‘emotional eating’.
  • Meditating is said to improve one’s memory, both in the short-run as well as long-run. Beginning one’s day with such an objective brings about a holistic sense of well-being.

Abhinav. M

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